The big 4 selling buttons (that any personality can adopt)

How to leverage Tick’s personality tools in team-building
February 13, 2025

Selling doesn't have to be sleazy. It's about creating connections and providing value, not pushing products aggressively.

The secret lies in communicating four fundamental human motivators in your conversations:

  1. Time
  2. Money
  3. Easy
  4. Free

These four concepts, when properly used, turn heads and lower defensive barriers.

People don't buy; they choose.

Customers actively decide how to allocate their resources. These four concepts help guide them toward choosing your offerings over competitors.

The approach that truly sets apart great salespeople: asking thoughtful questions.

This shifts selling from persuasion through presentation to discovery through curiosity. Be genuinely interested in understanding customer needs.


Questioning: An underrated art  

Ask questions that naturally incorporate the four hot buttons:

  1. "Do you think this solution could make your operations easier?"
  2. "How might this approach help generate additional revenue?"
  3. "Can you see how this might save you time each week?"
  4. "Which is most important to you: making processes easier, increasing revenue, or saving time?"

These questions invite reflection rather than pushing for immediate decisions.


Be an active listener (easy for Doves)

Asking great questions is only half the equation. When customers speak, they reveal priorities, pain points, and desires – valuable information for tailoring your approach.

Pay full attention, ask follow-up questions, acknowledge concerns, and demonstrate that you value what's being shared.

Incorporating the 4 hot buttons

Weave the key concepts into your responses naturally:

Time: "This solution could save your team approximately 15 hours weekly."

Money: "This new product will definitely make you more money by increasing conversion rates."

Easy: "You will appreciate our new easy system that eliminates those seven steps."

Free: "With your subscription, you'll receive free quarterly strategy sessions."

By combining thoughtful questions with active listening and strategic incorporation of the four hot buttons, you transform selling from presentation into consultation.

You're no longer pushing products; you're collaboratively exploring solutions.

You no longer need to question your selling ability. Simply flip your perspective to make conversations about them, not you.

The formula:

  1. Ask questions incorporating the four hot buttons
  2. Listen attentively to understand needs
  3. Use key words in statements addressing customer priorities
  4. Move naturally towards conclusion


Want to go deeper with your sales skills?

Authentic selling isn't about convincing; it's about helping customers discover solutions that genuinely improve their lives or businesses. To do this well, you need to know what bird type you’re talking to.

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