tick & Schools

Check out our Tick & Schools video to learn more.

Tick has helped schools in numerous ways.

  • Career development for school students
  • Teacher PD days to assist with teaching styles
  • Business Managers PD days
  • The starting place for Mentoring programs

Please explore using the link below if you are


I am a student and would like to discover more about myself or careers


I am a teacher, or careers advisor and looking to see how tick can effectively support my students


I am a parent looking to see how tick could assist my child

Get 3 FREE TRIALS of our profiles for your school.

Submit your information using the form below and we will provide you with 3 FREE TRIALS of our profiles for your school to test. We will also send you 3 example reports and FAQs about Tick.


Students entering the middle to upper years of high school can benefit from doing Tick in the following ways

  • Complete a Tick Personality Profile to assist in understanding yourself. This simple printout assists in understanding of yourself, your natural strengths and weaknesses and those of others around you – especially those whom you are always wondering “Why did they do that?”
  • We see the Tick Jobfit as the perfect start to your career decision making. It starts from the core of who you are and gets you to look at and discover potential career paths that suit “Who you are as a person”. You will be provided with a report, which encourages the exploration of different career paths.  We also have an activity workbook that helps you to bring to life the information in your report and takes you on a journey of discovery. These are often done in conjunction with your school career advisors.


We have the systems, resources, and training available to make our products not just valuable in their content, but easy to use for those running sessions (either with staff or students). A few examples of where these have benefited schools:

  • Careers Advice – we see our Jobfit as the perfect starting point for the Careers process for students. Simple to use, easy for students to understand, better outcomes for YOUR school to assist students when they ‘take that next step’.
  • A fun PD session. Get staff to complete a Personality profile – you understand yourself, colleagues better and remember it long after the session is completed!!
  • Leadership sessions for your school or regional leaders – people remember this model a lot longer than others.

Please contact us below to discuss…


I’m sure you are reading this because you are a caring parent – hopefully also because your child has been discussing a profile they have been doing at school. Our business helps people understand themselves better, and children to find careers that will suit their natural tendencies and individual strengths. Help your kids get the right start to their career with a simple process of self-discovery using the Jobfit Profile.

Get 3 FREE TRIALS of our profiles for your school.

Submit your information using the form below and we will provide you with 3 FREE TRIALS of our profiles for your school to test. We will also send you 3 example reports and FAQs about Tick.