Every business wants to be the Apple of their industry. Where millions of fans line up for hours, days sometimes, just to buy their latest device. There’s no denying Steve Jobs was a spectacular tech innovator – perhaps the best of our time.
He did something that few people have accomplished before. He reinvented an industry. Jobs believed in his instincts, when no one did. Brave, yes. Brilliant, yes.
Replicable? No, probably not.
He wasn’t a designer or an engineer. He was ahead of his time. Creative and driven, Jobs had a charismatic way of helping people do things they never thought they were capable of… including himself.
But this isn’t about Jobs himself, but rather what he represents.
See, we’re not saying innovation should be ignored. Quite the contrary. Individuals, teams and management shouldinvest in developing critical thinking, problem-solving through offerings, and thinking out the box.
But only after covering the basics first.
The basics are what people miss. Yet, it’s often what’s most important.
Let’s say, for example, you’ve got a great idea. “It’s like Uber for XYZ.”
Now, here’s what usually happens. The hiring team will isolate the roles that need to be filled to get the product to market. The process is heavily focused on skills, experience, capabilities and, sometimes, attitudes.
“We seek an enthusiastic individual who is friendly, bubbly, and loves their field.
This is all well and good, but it lacks the depth to really get to know the person. How can we expect an individual to thrive in a team, when we don’t really know what makes them tick?
Hint, hint: Fill in your details in the red form and we’ll show you how.
Whether or not you’ve got an industry-changing idea, that doesn’t matter. The point is, it’s important to delve into the nuances of your team BEFORE you focus outwards on changing the world.
Structuring your teams with complementary personalities will create harmonious, productive environments. Focus on getting the ingredients of your team right, and the innovations will follow. Do it the other way around and those ideas might never see the light of day.
Tick’s profiling personality tests are designed to help you understand natural behaviours, thought patterns and responses, and in short, why people do what they do.
Integrate Tick’s questionnaire results into your team structure to improve collaboration, productivity, and harness that innovative spirit.