April 3, 2020
April 21, 2020

What we’re going through right now is unlike anything we’ve experienced before. The business world has switched to an isolated, home working structure, in an effort to flatten the curve of COVID-19.

While this offers opportunities for focus and productivity, the unknown length of this situation may be inhibiting this. It’s natural for your team to feel uninspired and fearful.

This is beyond Monday morning low morale. People are worried about the economy and the possibility of losing their jobs. Clients aren’t calling, teams are shrinking but tasks still need to be done.

Re-boosting morale and creating a positive, committed workforce has never been more important than now. Historically though, it’s dramatic times like these that can forge a culture of innovation.


First, let’s define morale:

“Morale is the capacity of a group of people to pull together persistently and consistently in pursuit of a common purpose,” according to sociologist Alexander Leighton.

Morale suffers for multiple reasons such as layoffs, poor leadership, a lack of communication, and (unacknowledged) heavy workloads. As leaders, we have a chance to bring our teams forward into a whole new way of working – that’s inclusive, flexible, organised, and productive.

Here’s how to build your team morale.

Most importantly, get to know the characteristics of the people in your team. A Dove personality type, for example, might struggle right now more than say, an Owl. Doves thrive on community and closeness, while Owls can be withdrawn and work quite well alone.


Virtual team bonding

Try our Tick personality tools (for free) It’s our way of supporting you, as we know how difficult this time is for everyone. We suggest asking your team to take the Tick profile assessment, then plan a group call to discuss the findings. This is a great way for people to get to know each other and what each individual needs more of right now.

Each team member can list priorities and at the end of the day, share a highlight (which can be non-work related). Microsoft Teams is a great tool, for group calls and/or one-on-one texting.


Celebrate milestones

Is there a birthday in the team? A work anniversary? Personal accomplishments being met? Take the time to celebrate, together. It’s an important way to keep spirits up.


Group workout sessions or 3PM ‘drinks’

Can you arrange a 30-minute workout block in the middle of the day? What about Friday (virtual) knock-off drinks? Yes, it’s difficult to be behind the screen all day, so do your best to break it out with fun, entertaining activities. Once a month, you could buy the team lunch (via a meal delivery service). Then, weekly, make it a staff buy-in lunch. This keeps everyone close and connected beyond just work.


Send a ‘resources of the week’ email

There’s so much great content and offerings right now. People are giving away information, free trials and transitioning to digital formats. Spend an hour searching for relevant resources that will make your employees life easier, this week. It could be a 21-day meditation challenge, one-week free access to a resource community or an informative YouTube series. Heck, throw in your favourite Netflix show, too.

It all comes back to knowing their needs better, which the Tick personality profile sample will help you with. We’re here for you. 


Get 3 FREE TRIALS of our profiles for your organisation.