Meet the Owl: Tick’s ‘serious’ bird type

How to use Tick to grow your business (part 1): Sales & leadership programs
September 24, 2024

Owls are the serious folks. You know the types. You get what you see. There’s no ulterior motive, nuance or needing to read between the lines. No game playing.

Owls need to be on guard at all times. Everything needs to be safe and in order.

Structures and systems are their religion. Decisions are thought through carefully. Owls understand the world through facts, stats, and data. This is their psychological safety.

Sound familiar? Maybe you or a close person in your life is an Owl. Here are some telltale signs.  


The traits of an Owl

Style: Cool, withdrawn, and conservative
Face: Poker face, little expression
Voice: Quiet and monotoned
Body Language: Very little
Clothes: Ultra-conservative, usually brown, fawn, or autumn colours

Life View: ‘What can go wrong, will go wrong.’

Attitude: “What’s the catch?” Aloof and “offish,” they always seem to give the impression that they would rather be doing something else than be talking to you.

Sayings: “Fools rush in where wise men fear to tread.”

Car: A good safe, reliable car, usually brown, or white. They love the Volvo.

Dos & Don'ts: How to engage with an Owl

Do be sensitive to their need for solitude

Do give them plenty of time to make decisions

Do appreciate they would rather stay home than go out

Do communicate in a slower structured way

Do be fussy about details

Do take an intellectual approach

Do accept the fact that tasks come before people

Don’t try and push them into quick decisions

Don’t suggest anything that may appear (to them) risky

Don’t expect them to be comfortable in an unpredictable environment.

Don’t expect any displays of emotion
Don’t expect them to know what you want - be specific

Don’t expect them to be optimistic - they will always give you several excellent reasons why something won’t work or can’t be done

Don’t expect them to be big partygoers or socialisers.


When you're dealing with a cautious personality type

Shy, yet cool and collected, Owls never push the limits (at least not without forethought). Critical thinkers and sometimes withdrawn, Owls are quietly uncooperative. They go within, first. If someone is causing an Owl stress, they’ll avoid them. Expect to be told, “do what you want to do, but leave me out of it.”

Owls think before they do. This personality type is helpful to have on your team or in your personal life, especially to balance out the big personalities (like the peacocks and eagles). 

Learn which Tick bird type you are and how to apply the new insights to your life. 

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