Close up of a male peacock displaying its stunning tail feathers
For peacocks, life is about living. It’s all for the adventure and having a bit of fun. Peacocks believe that you only get one chance at it. So, go big! ‘Go for the good things in life.
When you’ve made it, take a bow and embrace the applause that goes with it because you deserve it. Being recognised is a nice feeling, isn’t it?’ Well, that’s how peacocks see it.
Style: Confident, warm, and friendly
Face: Expressive and animated
Voice: Strong and colourful
Body Language: Lots of dramatic and sweeping gestures
Clothes: Flamboyant, colourful, fashionable, designer labels, wears ‘look at me’ jewellery
Life View: ‘Everything’s coming up roses’
Attitude: Easy going. Peacocks seem to have all the time in the world and can talk the leg off of a chair
Sayings: “Today is the first day of the rest of your life”
Car: A ‘look at me car’, usually red. Peacocks love red Porsches!
Do accept the fact that they like talking about themselves
Do understand that they exaggerate everything
Do understand that they are emotional.
Do appreciate they like to touch and cuddle
Do appreciate they like to have fun
Do accept the fact that they are unorganised
Do accept that when they’re down, they’re really down.
Don’t expect them to take a logical approach
Don’t lock them into repetitious tasks and environments
Don’t expect them to be good listeners
Don’t expect them to be quiet for too long
Don’t expect them to let you have the last word
Don’t expect them to be a homebody.
Peacocks are confident and friendly. In conflicts, they’re noisy and dramatic. This bird type is more bark than bite. Under stress, peacocks can become apologetic, friendly and even manipulative. “I was only joking” is a common statement.
However, peacocks love to solve problems, which is a positive character trait. Likely, the conversation will end in a peacock saying, “let’s forget it and all be friends.”
Ahh, we could all use with more of those types of relationships.
To find out if you’re a peacock or one of the other bird types, use the red form below.