The tool that can turn anyone into a salesperson – an asset for small businesses

There’s more to personality testing than introvert vs. extravert – here’s why
July 26, 2024
We buy based on how we feel, not what we think
August 22, 2024

Wouldn’t it be awesome to walk into a sales pitch, knowing what your prospects are thinking? This isn’t just a cool superpower. You don’t have to walk into that presentation with your fingers crossed, with positive self-talk. 

See, the business of sales is about people. 

People buy YOU, not what you’re selling. You also buy into them, too. There’s a synergy between the two of you. 

So, if prospecting is about people, then understanding them can help in your sales process. We’re not just talking about building relationships. But rather, going deeper into the human psyche and how we all tick. 

It’s about deciphering HOW you can help them, and do to this, you need to know how to effectively communicate… by looking at each individual, not as a company or group of people. 

Pitching to a group of three?  

Those three people will respond, engage and have different desires, based on their personalities. John on the left, will sit quietly in his seat, nodding and smiling… just happy to be a part of the group. He’s what we call, a sweet Dove. 

Peter is sitting on the middle (of course). He’s the ‘one in charge’, unconsciously stepping into boss shoes at every opportunity. Peter is an Eagle.  

And there’s Jeff. He’s eager to get the plans into a system, packed with KPI milestones. He’s an Owl. 

Don’t ‘sell’ – speak to their bird type instead 

Tick’s personality profiles are based on a combination of four birds… the Eagle, Peacock, Owl, and Dove. The results give you an instant understanding of who you’re speaking to. After you and your team complete the questionnaires, you’ll be able to intuitively feel the bird type of the person you’re selling to. 

But if you can incorporate it into your pitch, as a fun exercise, you’ll get real-time insights that you can use to turn that person into a customer. Sales is really this simple. It’s about understanding and connecting with people. That’s it. 

Your solutions, whatever you’re selling, are the result of understanding people’s needs… and applying it. Don’t get distracted or persuaded by bells and whistles. Yes, data and insights play a role in helping you learn more about customer behaviours. But making a real impact in front of your prospect?

This is where Tick’s results will help YOU guide the conversation, craft a connection, and problem-solve… without them even know you’re doing it. 

Because you know what does (and doesn’t) make them tick. 

Tick’s personality tools help you connect the dots. Use the red form to fill out your details and we’ll send you three free trial tests.  

Get 3 FREE TRIALS of our profiles for your organisation.