How you can use Tick’s personality profiles in your processes

Meet the Peacock: Tick’s show-off bird type
November 22, 2024
How to incorporate Tick’s personality profiles in your leadership training
December 27, 2024

We’re all guilty of this. Too busy keeping the lights on, we don’t make time to work on our business. There are phones to answer, customers to please, staff to pay, and the list goes on.

But the first step to changing this is recognising it, so we can start to use our time differently. And to help you, we’ve created a four-part series on how to us our Tick products to grow your business.

You might already be using them which is great, so this series is simply about how you can best utilise the resources you currently have.


Building on your own resources

What is your process for training your team? Are they sales guns or do you have a system every person goes through?

Why not use our ‘How to Sell’ book as a resource in your sales courses? It’s easy to understand and it illustrates how to pick (and engage with) a customer’s buying habits, within seconds.

Arm your team will the sales skills to appeal to different types of people and get runs on the board. There are also margins for you on-selling products, plus your consulting and training rates. 

For your leadership programs, add the premium profile as a new node for your leaders to complete. They will learn a lot about themselves, as well as different motivation styles, and managing and different types of people.

The classic profile is great for their whole teams, where they’ll explore their natural skills, preferred working environments, and suggested careers to match their personalities.

Fun, engaging & educational products

For development of any kind, it needs to be engaging and educational. Becoming a successful salesperson or leader doesn’t just happen overnight. While some people are more natural than others, we can all benefit from ongoing self-development.

Mastering sales has less to do with being an introvert or extravert, but instead how you leverage your own unique personality and style.

Give your team a leg up and utilise Tick’s learning products. Contact us if you’d like more information on how to incorporate our books and questionnaires into your own work.

Get 3 FREE TRIALS of our profiles for your organisation.