Why use Tick?
Our Tick Profiles are:
Simple – and great way for people to understand themselves and others. They get remembered long after being in a training room.
Cost Effective – we try and find a package to suit your organisation
Easy to Use – our systems make it really easy for teachers/trainers to administer all the participants and for the participants to complete their profiles
Some of the many applications for the Tick materials are:
- In Business – Sales/Leadership/Customer Service Training
- In Schools – Career development / Mentoring programs / Staff Development days
- At Universities – Career development / Mentoring programs / in Academic programs / staff development
- For Training Companies – Any sort of Communication training / Conflict Management training
- For individuals – self-awareness and career guidance
Get 3 FREE TRIALS of our profiles for your organisation.
Submit your information using the form below and we will provide you with 3 FREE TRIALS of our profiles for your organisation to test. We will also send you 3 example reports and FAQs about Tick.
Some of our many clients:
Hear from Jen Clark
From Adelaide university and how she uses Tick…
Hear from Don Farnden
Owner of Boostbusinessresults.com.au and Licensed Tick User.
Hear from Sharon Kaibel
Owner of achievernet.com and Licensed Tick User.

Andrew is thorough, professional, flexible and highly skilled in his facilitation. His very personality ensures that he will always rise to the top levels and his down to earth nature, ability to hold a room with his knowledge and expertise are what sets him apart from the mainstream. I highly recommend Andrew Cole to provide highly effective and simple to use personal and professional development materials to better understand ‘What Makes People Tick’.
Sheila Langley (lsv.com.au)
Life Saving Victoria

Andrew is an exceptionally engaging and energetic presenter. He facilitates discussion amongst participants in a way that allows them to discover their own understanding of personality profiles in a context pertinent to them. Through the use of personal and professional stories, he is able to assist participants to gain a practical understanding of the Tick and Birds concepts that is meaningful and lasting. The Tick approach to profiling is a lovely way to provide people with an understanding of how and why we and others behave. It offers an insight into common behaviours and participants leave with an understanding of themselves and others and practical strategies they can use to engage with others.
Dr Robert O’Brien (lsv.com.au)
Life Saving Victoria

“It gives my students an instant insight into their personality; which we build on during our training together. I give each student one of Des Hunt’s books - They are a good reference tool for the students to use after our training sessions are complete. “ “These tools definitely are remembered long after the workshops - more than any I have worked with.”
Tanya Perry (tanyaperry.com.au)

“So easy to incorporate in our training programs. Even though we are on the opposite side of the world, the customer service has been very streamlined and just like we are situated next door.” “The typology is very simple, easy to remember and understand.”
Anton Forro (growio.sk)
Growio (Slovakia)
We are delighted to support the best café in Adelaide Café Outside the Square – supporting the homeless in Adelaide and supporters of the “Paying It Forward mantra”
Get 3 FREE TRIALS of our profiles for your organisation.
Submit your information using the form below and we will provide you with 3 FREE TRIALS of our profiles for your organisation to test. We will also send you 3 example reports and FAQs about Tick.