How to hire & onboard top talent with a small HR budget

When peacock personality types become prisoners of their environment – set them free
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There’s more to personality testing than introvert vs. extravert – here’s why
July 26, 2024

Right now, businesses (and customers) are tightening their belts, to get through tough economic conditions. You might find yourself following this strategy, too. But this doesn’t mean you can’t connect with, support and, even sell to, customers.

You don’t need a huge budget to connect with your people. Actually, you SHOULD continue to serve them right now. You’re not ‘annoying’ or ‘pestering them’. People are yearning for engaging content, leadership and meaningful information that can help them. And, clients like to have interest shown in them.

Yes, it does require a pivot in what you do and the messaging you use. But no, you don’t need a big marketing spend to do it. Be curious and don’t be afraid to communicate with them. People are more accessible than ever, given we’re all at home. This is an opportunity, if you look at it in the right way.


Tap into free resources 

There’s an influx of free content right now. From webinars and membership courses, subscriptions and masterclasses, you have more free information at your fingertips than ever before. Why not send your clients and prospects a weekly email with links to relevant resources?

Our Tick personality profiling test is one example. It’s cost effective, value for money, and you can send free samples to people who want to learn more about the nuances of their character. It’s timely right now with the change in working structure, strained relationships, job shifts, and personal challenges.

Know your audience 

The most important thing to get from your efforts is to understand your audience. There’s no point investing your time into something your prospects don’t even use. Spend the time exploring where they ‘hang out’, both online and offline. You can’t be all things to all people. Don’t try to speak to everyone. Narrow your focus and break down the different customer personas. Only after you’ve done this, you can ‘speak’ to them, in their language.


Learn their problems… and solve them

Open the space for deeper communication and discover their pain points. You don’t need to have the largest budget to offer the best customer service. Stand out from the crowd by actually listening to your customers. Find out their problems and solve them, with your business/messaging pivot. This could be as simple as going that one step further to make their life easier or being flexible with payment options.

Tip: By understanding who you’re talking to (their Tick bird type), you’ll have a better idea of what they’re struggling with and how to interact.


Be consistent

To gain trust, you’ve got to be consistent. This is especially true right now. Don’t disappear. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, can you partner with other companies to double up on value?

If you’re working with a small budget, don’t worry. All it takes is a touch of creativity. Think outside of the box. You have the world (and their attention) at your fingertips. How will you use this time to serve them? It’ll come back around to support you, too.

Fill in the red form for the first free resource – the Tick personality profiling sample. 

Get 3 FREE TRIALS of our profiles for your organisation.