September 28, 2021
October 13, 2021

Let’s talk about a conversation we had with an Adelaide consultant. She knew she needed extra training resources for her clients, but she just didn’t have the budget for it. To which we replied, “No worries, you don’t need it.” That got her attention.  

If you’re a trainer, consultant, HR manager, recruiter or even business owner, this message is for you. See, the lovely consultant we were speaking with, acknowledged she needed help, but money was the barrier. It usually is. It’s like a chicken or the egg-type scenario. She required resources to grow, but she couldn’t bring herself to invest without additional revenue.

We’re going to tell you what we showed her.

Tick’s training resources don’t have to cost you 

In fact, you can actually make money off of Tick’s personality profiles. Let us explain. Here’s just four ways you can do it (and this is just the start).


  1. Sell the profiles individually

Are you a trainer or consultant? Is your job going into businesses to improve their culture, revenue and impact? You may have systems already in place that you already use. By also integrating Tick, you can tailor your advice, knowing the personality traits of the group you’re working with. This means better results for the client which, in most instances, they’ll be happy to pay for. They want results.


  1. Build it into your processes

Who benefits from your team producing better work? You, yes. But your own clients as well. If you’re a business who positions its products and services based on talent, Tick’s personality profiling test can be a pre-cursor to hiring. Increase your prices slightly to cover recruitment costs.


  1. New employee application

Do you manage a large team of employees? Are you experiencing high turnover? First, check out our recent article on reducing employee turnover. This will inadvertently save you operational costs. You could introduce mandatory personality testing into your hiring procedure.

It could be something as simple as including this in job advertisements: “All candidates who make it to the final round will be required to complete a personality test. It will cost approximately $30.”

You’ll find out who’s serious about working for you, as well as cover the costs of the test. 


  1. Paid seminars & workshops

Another creative way to angle this is planning seminars and workshops throughout the year, both for your employees and clients. You can assign a small ticket fee in exchange for networking, guest speakers, and learning resources, like Tick’s personality tests.

If you’d like to see what Tick’s personality profiling tools are all about, try them for yourself. Once you do, you’ll likely come up with more ideas. Once you experience the benefits first-hand, build it into your own process. It’s a win-win for you and your clients.

Get 3 FREE TRIALS of our profiles for your organisation.